

All Music & Lyrics by nihil


Drowning deep in your glistening eyes  
Two bodies melt in the ocean’s embrace
Breathless gasps, tangled bodies entwine
Hearts lost in the waves, sinking into the night

Every gentle touch makes words disappear
All that's left is the feeling, pure and clear

Shadows sway and merge as one
Sinking deeper into the endless night
Beyond words, our bodies become
A single ocean, where only we exist

The dark waves wrap us in their depth
No hesitation as our bodies entwine
Sweet whispers tear through the night
Desires blend and stretch into infinity

Breathless gasps, two souls entwined
Words lost, leaving only the feeling behind

Shadows sway and merge as one
Sinking deeper into the endless night
Beyond words, our bodies become
A single ocean, where only we exist

There’s nothing left in the depths we descend
Just surrender to the moment, free from fear
In this instant, drowning feels like home
Two become one, dissolving into the night

Shadows sway and merge as one
Sinking deeper into the endless night
Beyond words, our bodies become
A single ocean, where only we exist

In the boundless sea of the night
We melt together, sinking into the deep

Pick up!

クレイジーラボのAIから生み出された謎のキャラクター「クレイジー」。 音楽がすべてを支配する世界で様々なジャンルの音楽をプロデュースする。